Home loans help you with a lump-sum advance of funds towards buying your desired property, this amount will be repayable with interest. However, you can re-pay the amount advanced via EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments), thus enabling you to approach realizing your home dream in a convenient and structured way.
There are different types of home loans:
- Home Purchase Loan
- Home Construction Loan
- Home Extension Loan
- Home Improvement Loan
- Home Loan Balance Transfer
- NRI Home Loan
- Land Purchase Loan
- Joint Home Loan
With various types of home loans on offer, an individual can rest assured that they get to choose a product that will best suit their needs. Visit our website or call. So we can help you and guide you the right way without any confusion.

A mortgage is a type of loan used to purchase or maintain a home, land, or other types of real estate. The borrower agrees to pay the lender over time, typically in a series of regular payments that are divided into principal and interest. The property then serves as collateral to secure the loan.
A borrower must apply for a mortgage through their preferred lender and ensure that they meet several requirements, including minimum credit scores and down payments. Mortgage applications go through a rigorous underwriting process before they reach the closing phase. Mortgage types vary based on the needs of the borrower, such as conventional and fixed-rate loans.
There are different types of home loans:
- Fixed-Rate Mortgage Loan.
- Simple Mortgage Loan.
- Usufructuary Mortgage Loan.
- Subprime or Sub Mortgage Loan.
- English Mortgage.
- Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Loan.

Banks and housing finance companies offer home construction loans for consumers looking to construct their residential home property on their existing plots. Lenders provide home construction loans to both existing home loan borrowers and new customers. Most lenders offer this facility either through their traditional home loan product or as an independent offering branded as ‘construction loans’ within the broader category of home loans.
There are different types of construction loans:
- One Time Close Loan
- Note Modification Loan
- Two Close Construction Loan
Info about For Salaried
1. ROI(Rate of interest)
2. Requirement Documents
3. Our Bank’sROI(Rate of interest)
1. 6.75% To 14.50% Per Annual
2. National and NBFC’s
1. Bank statement 1 year
2. Payslips 6 months
3. Company ID Card
4. Form 16
5. Pan Cards
6. Aadhaar Cards
7. Work experience certificate
8. ITR’s
9. Property Documents with Link Documents
Info about For Business
1. ROI(Rate of interest)
2. Requirement Documents
3. Our Bank’s
ROI(Rate of interest)
1. 6.75% To 14.50% Per Annual
2. National and NBFC’s
3. Private Finance also
1. Business proofs and license
2. ITR’S3. GST
4. Bank statement 1 year
5. Aadhaar cards
6. Pan cards
7. Property documents with link documents
1 National Bank’s, NBFC’S And Private Finance